Natural Crystal White Crystal Ball/Clear Quartz Ball 2cm Natural White Crystal Ball Real time Photo of Feng Shui Decoration — Decoration/Decoration

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₫ 79,544


Clear quartz meaning is partially based in the belief that it is the "supreme gift of Mother Earth." Enhanced connections with all earthly elements are at the heart of clear quartz meaning. The excellent amplification abilities of transparent quartz are closely tied to clear quartz meaning. Clear quartz stones improve connections between the spiritual and physical world by amplifying communications. Clear quartz meaning is also tied to its master healer teacher clear quartz properties. Clear quartz is highly prized for its ability to clear the mind of negativity to enhance higher spiritual receptiveness. It is considered the master of all healing crystals due to its ability to magnify or amplify healing vibrations of other crystals. This clear quartz benefit is at the heart of clear quartz meaning. The common six-sided prism form of clear quartz crystals and the resulting light-reflecting clear quartz properties have earned it the moniker "Perfect Jewel." This perfect jewel's ability to catch light and energy to disperse it evenly is an important clear quartz benefit that ties into clear quartz meaning. Clear quartz benefits imparted in clear quartz meaning are connected to opening channels to facilitate the flow of communication and energy. Living life in harmony with the environment and other people is one of the more important clear quartz benefits at the root of clear quartz meaning. 水晶家族里唯一的无色水晶 - 白水晶 白水晶球,被誉为“摩尼宝珠”,是所有光色的综合体,代表着平衡、圆满,使人心灵宁静,和谐纯洁,可净化和修补四周及人体自身负性能量,带来好运,是居家最基础的风水石,用于祈福、许愿、保佑平安效果最佳! 白水晶最具代表性,功能最多,应用最广,助人最多,称"晶王"。有储存记忆,协助专心的功能,是所有能量的综合体它代表平衡,圆满用于祈福,许愿效果最佳,也可当护身符,平安符使用。 白水晶更能使人心灵宁静,和谐纯洁,净化四周及人体自身负性能量,带来好运,白水晶具有镇宅、镇店、辟邪的作用。传说更为神奇,在国外的神巫灵异中水晶具有使阴气不得靠近,因此有镇宅、镇店、辟邪的作用。 白水晶能增加集中力,增强记忆力,最适合考生佩带。白水晶常用作增强心灵的发展、有助于冥想。 白水晶簇本身生生不息,能净化四周负性能量,俗称"煞气"。如可消除电器辐射。若它与紫晶一起配戴,可增加其能量。 白水晶的能量相应人体七轮中的顶轮,可使个人头脑清晰、精神爽利。以白水晶做静坐冥想、或经常配戴白水晶的饰物,将会加强个人的灵感泉源,和让思想更为敏捷。 !!注意!!本店售卖的都是天然水晶,完美主义者请别下单,谢谢!! ! Please read before place order ! All crystals in our shop is natural, there is no 100% perfection, please don't place order if you can't accept, thank you!! 欢迎观看旺旺水晶铺 ,留下您的信息询问我们更多的照片和资料哦。 感谢不尽 ~ Welcome to Ong Ong Crystal Shop ,kindly chat with us for more product information and picture ya . Thanks ~ #天然水晶 #NaturalCrystal #Crystal #白水晶 #clearquartz #水晶球 #crystalball


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